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Colleges that Offer Full-Ride Scholarships
~Denise Thomas

Need the most money for college? This list of well over 100 colleges and universities that offer Full Ride Scholarships is a great place to start your college search!

5 Ways to Get Accepted into Your Dream School
~Julie Kim

Without volunteering 200+ hours, attending summer programs left and right, and ultimately burning yourself out.

College Essay Template
~Steve Schwartz

Want to get into a top college? Get my free college essay template today. This guide includes several college essay writing prompts and templates to help you jump-start your essay.

How to Hide Your Money from the Financial Aid Office
~Andy Lockwood

New FREE report reveals legal and ethical techniques to triple your eligibility for financial aid so you can comfortably and easily afford to send your deserving child to their "Dream Colleges" ...even if you think  "Why bother? Families like us can't qualify!"

Guide to the College Admissions Process
~Beth Heaton

Beth and her team at College Coach have their finger on then pulse of college admissions. If you want a Guide to the College Admissions Process from the admissions experts at College Coach just click the link.

110-pg Guide to Get into America's Top Colleges
~Dr. Shirag Shemassian

Ready to remove the guesswork from college admissions and increase your child’s odds of getting into their dream schools? Click below to get your free copy of How to Get Into America’s Elite Colleges: The Ultimate Guide.

FAFSA & CSS Profile that can Cost You Big Money
~Tina Steele

Making these mistakes can cost you thousands of dollars in financial aid! 

ACT vs SAT Comparison Chart
~Jen Hanson

Discover the real differences between the SAT & ACT. Which one should your student take?

FAFSA Tutorial: Step-by-Step
~Elaine Rubin

Addressing the most common questions with a step-by-step walkthrough of the application.

College Essay Feedback
~Brad Schiller

Free Account and up to 10% off Professional College Essay Feedback

Leadership for College Applications
~Kimberly Hobscheid

Wondering how you're going to show leadership on your college apps? 10 things you're probably already doing.


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